Keswick from Castlehead

Technophobe stubbed her toe this morning and has been in pain all day.  She makes a bit of a habit of this as she broke her toe a couple of years ago and spent most of our week in Keswick with her foot in the air.

Despite this we went for a walk but half way up Lattrigg we had to turn back because of the pain.  After we got back I decided to continue up Castlehead.  The evening light didn't really materialise but this view back over Keswick always looks nice.  As you can see, there is a sprinkling of snow on Skiddaw.

This morning we walked down to Greta Bridge where the scale of the flood damage is truly shocking.  The houses opposite the flood wall are totally deserted and their gardens are full of rubbish.  In places the water has totally destroyed the pavement.  Fitz park is also a terrible mess and looks like a war zone.  Despite all this,  the clear-up has achieved an enormous amount in the 3 weeks since the flood.

Unfortunately there are flood warnings again for tomorrow.  However,  the good news is that Keswick town is open for business and apart from the area near Greta Bridge the shops are largely unaffected.   They desperately need visitors to help the local economy so don't let the floods put you off if you were planning to visit.

My extra is a rather poignant image of childrens toys embedded among the paving stones by the flood wall.

You may have seen that Blipcentral have adopted my #PledgeBlipfoto idea as an official campaign for New Years Day.  They consulted with me about this and I am glad to help the campaign.  Please support it and even better still,  if you haven't already done so,  please pledge or donate to keep Blipfoto alive.

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