Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

Books And Stuff

On the shelves of the tables in my living room, I keep a few DVDs and my three most valuable books (all of which are small enough for me to toss into my bag.).  Two are Birds of Arizona  and Birds of Southeastern Arizona.  The third is really interesting.  It is The National Audubon Society Field Guide to the Southwestern States. It discuses all sorts of things besides birds!  I rarely failed to identify something in this little gem of of a book; then finding some more fascinating things to read.

These living room tables actually belong to my mother (and she frequently reminds me of that).  They originally belonged to her  mother. I've been using them for over thirty years. When I had my previous televisions, they sat on them.  Now they are used just for the DVR and its router...not counting the other stuff with which I have cluttered them up in the past. I bought a cute little lamp to place on it.. I am going to go with a minimalist look for a while - if I can. Ha! We'll see. 

But the books and some of the DVDs (which I will eventually watch) will stay.

(PS. Anyone want the DVD Total Training for Microsoft Windows 7  which I bought and never watched? Free to any taker.  Kinda late, I know.  I'll even pay the postage.  I'd hate to throw it away.)

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