Signs of Spring

We were all up and ready sharpish (thanks to Storm Frank for ensuring we didn’t sleep in) as we were going out to do a bit of shopping.  First stop Ikea and we were there before it opened.  TT thought he would have a coffee – but their hot drinks machines were not working.  At least we didn’t have long to wait and we did the wander round looking for the things we needed.  Next stop the supermarket for food, which seemed to take a while.  Next the awful “sports” shop. BB needed new football boots and he and TT had already been for a look.  I had a £5 off voucher which I urged them to use, as it expired tomorrow.  We had had enough of shopping by then so headed home.  On the way home BB declared he wanted to go for a walk at Smeaton pond.  Unusual for him to make such a request, especially as the weather was so awful.

After lunch the weather had calmed a bit and the rain had stopped, so we duly headed over to East Linton, parked at Preston Mill, walked by the river (admiring the refurbished weir), up to Smeaton and round the pond.  Rather disappointingly the Smeaton tea room was closed, so we continued our walk back and through the village and round by  Phantassie Doocot and the sprout field.

There are lots of snowdrops in the woods at Smeaton and round the
pond, and lots of evidence of them today – even one with signs of a flower.  I love how they have just pushed up right through the decaying leaves. 

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