Four years!

Four years, 1,460 blips, no gaps, over 1,200 followers, over 1 million views! (and about 150 blippers created!)

When I started blipping 4 years ago, I didn't imagine for a minute that I'd reach a year, let alone 4. Now Blipping is so much part of my life, I can't imagine a day without blipping. I'm sure the same can be said for so many of us.

Thank you to all those who have looked at, starred, faved, and commented at my photos. At times it hasn't been easy to continue. The astute amongst you may realise that my wife and I have separated, (although we remain as friends and business partners).

Like many, I was surprised at Polaroid's name appearing on the blip title, but I didn't leave, and I won't leave. I will (very soon) be putting my hand into my pocket to support blipfuture, I know half of the blipfuture team very well, they are guests of mine at LPH and they'll be doing it purely for the love of blip. I would trust them implicitly. (Graham and Annie and Chris started blipping the same day as me). 

I really hope we all get behind this and blip survives and stays the wonderful community it is. I hope I will be celebrating 5 years of blipping on the 29th December next year (it is another leap year after all!)

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