Holding up the world

Four years, 1460 slices of my life, 1460 thumbnails, 207,320 words and more generous, supportive people than I can count.
My personal photographic highlight this year was taking photographs in Cuba. Some of you have seen images as I’ve uploaded them one by one over the last seven months, but yesterday I finally uploaded the last one. They start here and go on for 15 days. No need to read the words, which are for me and other wordlovers only, but please do look at any extras you can make time for – Cuba really is a photographer’s paradise.
My personal photographic obsession this year has been the building site. This one will keep me going well into 2016.
Blip continues to be an absolute tyranny and still makes off with huge chunks of my life. But when things get difficult, as they have once or twice this year, it is taking photos that calms me, sharing them that gives the taking of them purpose, and supportive comments that help put things into perspective. Thank you.
Thank you especially, this year, for sharing my rants, for caring about M, and for supporting me when I was removed from the job that meant I could work with him and others like him. That was hard.
Thanks to those who’ve trudged round Grandpont Nature Park all through the seasons even when it really was getting very tedious.
Thank you for the inspiration and connections that send me chasing after photos. It was Chamaeleo’s critique of this building, the new home for the Blavatnik School of Government, which I’ve been watching intrigued through the scaffolding for well over a year, that made me decide to come here today.
Finally, thank you to those who’ve joined me in pledging some money to blipfuture. What destruction it would be if we couldn’t continue to share this safe little corner of gentle madness. And how exciting if we could build what may well be the first community interest company in cyberspace!* There’s still quite a lot to raise. I so hope we can do it.

* Edit - it wouldn't be, but still exciting for us to do it.

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