Just out of curiosity...

By silverswan13

Day 730 --- Project365 Year 2 Complete!!!

Wow!!! Two Years! I've only missed one day in those two years, and I realised last night that with 2016 being a leap year, me missing that day will be corrected on my numbering. Ok, yeah, maybe a touch on the OCD side, but it's really been bugging me.

But thank you to all of you that follow me and comment. My aims this year are to try to get out a bit more, do lots more crochet (so I can get back into doing craft fairs...I miss doing them), and spend lots of time with the Mister, Girly, and the Mini Imp.

2015 had its ups and downs. Watching the Mini Imp change every day and he's now a toddler with a lovely, cheeky personality. The Girly taking on the challenge of a new school with only one of her previous classmates joining her, and they're both flourishing and are much happier. The Mister being amazing and supporting me through the wibbles of me being diagnosed with a chronic blood cancer, Essential Thrombocythaemia.

So here's to 2016...lots more photos to come. I will hit my 1000 sometime in September. We have plans with Lindum Circle, we'll be attending Pagan Pride in August. The Girly will be 8 in just over a fortnight (she wants a dinner out and strawberry cheesecake), and the Mister and I are both turning 40. I'm sure of lots of visits to the haematologist (I have a lifetime of that now), and we will get my platelets to a sensible level.

Love and Brightest Blessings to you all x


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