Even Mr Robin...

...wants Blip to stay he is singing it LOUD and CLEAR !!!!!!
Joining Blip 2years ago I wasn't sure what to expect and had only started because David set me the challenge  of taking a picture everyday. From the start I found Blippers to be most welcoming, friendly and encouraging bunch of people to be found on a website and I must admit I am not fond of sitting at a computer at the best of times but putting up my Blip everyday has encouraged me to get more tolerant of computers just lol. I like everyone else have virtually met a lot of people that I otherwise would never have known and I for one am very grateful for that and to know that if any of us are feeling down or unwell then the members of this community pull together to lend their support.
Blip is now part of our family day and routine even our daughter Lindsay has joined Blip and encourages us both in helping out either with the making of a Blip or helping us to decide which one to put up. It is usually part of our family discussions throughout the day in one form or the other. We , as in David,Lindsay, Belle,Jerry and I don't want Blip to go and we are Pledging and keeping our fingers and tootsies X that it will stay xx

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