
I started Blipping in 2012 as a photo journal of a trip to Africa to climb Mt Kilimanjaro - amongst other things. It was a great way to inform sponsors and others of how the trip was going.

I picked up on the Blip a day bug in May that year and have been Blipping pretty much continuously ever since. I’ve even met a handful of other Blippers.

It’s a great way for me to keep a record of what I’ve been up to, so that I can look back from time to time.

I love the insight into other Blippers’ lives which comes as a bonus for me.

The challenge of getting the daily Blip has got me out when the weather has been bad, and has made me look around me in a new way. As for photography skills, I think it has helped.

I’ll be pledging... here's the link if you want to too.


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