
This is as close as I ever get to these creatures. I don't know how the more successful manage?

Poured down first off, but he sun at lunchtime took me, my good-lady and mt dog for a squelch around.

Once again the beasties were hiding or plain stand-offish. lots of butterflies at about 500mm and longer, the dog scared the heron and the hedgehog was, well, squashed!

So back at the pool the damsels were courting, beautiful to watch and infuriating to capture. But I did better than yesterday. Oh, for a faster, longer glass concoction!

Back home the ants had invaded my potato crop, and the yield is disappointing. The ants, displaced, hurry and scurry about, some carrying eggs to, where? The potatoes were lovely, served with home-grown chives and a nice salad.

Tess continues to improve off-lead and is learning the gentle art of 'fetch'. Though 'drop' still alludes her.

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