Steamy in the Scrum

Worcester Warriors played Harlequins today and it was a match that supporters of the Children's Hospice Acorns were invited to.  So we went!
We had a very nice meal, were entertained by a Go sing choir (very good) and bought some expensive raffle tickets and decided not to bid for a player's shirt.  We thought those would be a bit out of our league!

It poured with rain all morning and on the way there and during lunch, but as the match started the sun came out and some of the people sitting in the East Stand were getting quite dazzled. The pitch soon became a swamp and the whiteness of the Harlequins soon became a murky brown colour.  The resultant dampness brought about some interesting steam from the encounters in the scrum!  Thought some of you might like to see some steamy men...

I'm not sure how it happened, but all the action in the first half was at the far end of the pitch.  Then all the action in the second half was at the far end of the pitch.  Good job there's a reasonable zoom on the compact camera.  I think it did well.

I have been reading some interesting articles speculating about how many Blippers have made a pledge to Blipfuture.  I hope that if you are reading my journal you are one of those who has pledged if you possible can.  I think you all know how I feel about Blip.  If you don't, look back at my New Year's Day Blip and you will see.  Please try and contribute.  I've increased my pledge twice now and I hope I will be able to add a little bit more to that before 11 Jan which is the date of an important meeting about Blip's future.

It feels a bit like all the action is somewhere else at the moment - a bit like that rugby game this afternoon - but actually we in the crowd are needed to encourage and keep everything going financially because this is something we love , support and want to last forever...

Please pledge if you can.

Find out more about pledging here.

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