
By ChrisGroucutt

In Flight

The first birthday bash of the year! One of the little'un's cousins had their birthday party at the local skate park today, and you just can't pass up a photo opportunity like that.

As it happens, it wasn't the best place for taking photos due to approximately 1000 kids flying around at supersonic speeds threatening to wipe out anybody with a camera standing still for more than a microsecond. But... Mrs G found a 'sort of safe' spot for me to squeeze in, and I managed to get a few decent-ish pics. This lad is the birthday boy's brother, and no stranger to being in mid-air... he's a champion skier already at the grand young age of 11, and likes to get his skies off the ground, so I guess he was right at home here.

I would have had a go myself... but, you know... I wouldn't want to show anybody up or anything... (ahem... that's my excuse anyway...).


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