With a short break in the rainy weather we decided to get a breath of fresh air. At Yellowcraig the waves were probably almost three metres high and even though it was midday it was dark enough for the lighthouse to be flashing on Fidra. (see in large)  Not only was the normally pristine beach covered with masses of seaweed but also coloured nets and lobster pots (extra) with some still attached to a long rope which snaked its way along the beach.  The local fishermen must have been very upset to lose so many.  The rocks were too wet so we decided to eat our picnic back in the car while watching the boats bobbing up and down in Port Seton harbour.  Several ships were anchored off shore including the Caledonia Isles ferry from the western isles and the Hirta, a Fishery Protection boat and were probably sheltering and unable to get into Leith Docks until later.  We managed to get home as the rain started again.

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