Chocolate is Therapy

By chocistherapy

I Nailed the Avo

My first #3goodthings came easily to me today....

1. I cut into an avocado and it was bob on perfect. Avocados can be tricky little rascals, hiding their true inners so well, often not even giving a snitch of an inkling of whether ripe fruit or leopard like flesh lay beneath. Today, quite by chance, I nailed it.

2. I received amazing customer service at Starbucks. When I relayed an issue, a small one that I was merely discussing rather than complaining about, I was met with a positive attitude and one that Starbucks should be proud of. Excellent work. Inspiring. And good coffee.

3. Work projects are coming together nicely. It's either the planets aligning or I'm getting on top of my game. A bit of both maybe. But I can tell you it feels good.

Thursdays are always better than Wednesdays. Downhill to the weekend from here....

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