
By misswinterfinch

All Things End...

This morning I took PD Budd very early to the Vet because he has been drooling excessively for a week and not swallowing or eating. He's 13+ yrs. The oral exam = sarcoma (cancer) under the tongue. Blood tests, x-rays showed other problems, too. So,  he gets to join his best friend, Uncle Buddy Budd, in the back garden... But not quite yet because the ground is frozen.
I will picked up the boxed up body and a "gift" paw print in clay later this afternoon and drive out to good old friend, Ellen's, house in the country. PD Budd can reside in her chest freezer in the garage until spring when a grave can be dug near Uncle Buddy's. Good friends are so wonderful and understanding! We will share a lovely meal together & home before the expected ice storm arrives.
Here is a photo of PD from November which I already posted on Blip.
It is also Elvis' 81st birthday! Can you imagine what he would look like if here today? In some ways death is a good thing for some.

Not sure how many more times we will be reading each others' Journals
Or even how we will save or retrieve what we have done here over the years. It has been a precious time.

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