Joining the Strigidazzi

One does not simply photograph a Short-eared Owl. First one must join the Strigidazzi.
An eye-wateringly expensive visit to the dentist left me behind schedule arriving at Owl Meadows. I was lucky to get a parking space – the verge was full to bursting. Of course the owl was bang on schedule, turning up right on the dot. 

I paid the price for my lateness in two ways. The Twitcherati were only too delighted to tell me that just before I arrived it had been quartering the field along the fence line. By the time I was set up it was right over the far side of the field. And “Sunny Intervals” turned out to mean a lovely sunset, but with the sun behind a big bank of cloud which pushed my ISO up over 1000 at that range. Standing for an hour watching the bird working the field while the sun set was still the highlight of the week.

I may have become a Twitcher. Shoot me now.
The Strigidazzi, Homo strigidus

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