Best Bag Ever!!!

The last time I used a sewing machine I was at school. I was about eleven or twelve and made a rubbish stuffed owl. I remember getting completely muddled up with threads getting into a tangled mess.
But - ever the optimist - I'm convinced I have an inner crafter just waiting to be set free!
I met Mrs A today in a sewing/knitting/fabric shop in Buckingham for an absolute beginners sewing machine course. I had been really nervous expecting a room full of people who knew exactly what they were doing and thought I was a complete idiot.......
But I needn't have worried! It was a small group - just me, Mrs A and another very nice woman. The teacher was lovely and the ladies that run the shop were really nice too.
When it came to threading the sewing machine I was all fingers and thumbs and started to panic and wishing the floor would swallow me up but I got there and with the excellent and very patient demonstrations and help from the teacher I produced my lovely bag. Obviously the best bag ever!!
There are a few rogue threads and some proper wonky hems but it's bag and I made it!! 
I keep looking at it and smiling. I can't believe I turned that pile of fabric and a zip into something so fab!!!
Afterwards we went to Looby Lu's for sandwiches and tea for lunch. And picked fault with all the bunting and table cloths. Experts that we are. Ha ha ha!!
Home to my lovely Little Misses and Mr K who were just finishing The Empire Strikes Back. A cup of tea, a pause to admire my handiwork and then we all settled down to The Return of the Jedi.
Tonight will be spent mostly looking at sewing machines online and - according to Mr K - watching the first three Star Wars films back to back!!

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