Busty Ballerinas

Halfway through the Nutcracker tonite, CC noted that several of the ballerinas were busty. It's certainly not normal form to have busty ballerinas and so I took it upon myself in the name of research to check out the form here, to separate if you will, bust from fiction.

In the second half I did not notice a proliferation in bustiness. I did however observe that principal males had huge undercarriages. Yes I did just write undercarriages. Huge. Ginormous. Unnatural I'd say. Sadly, having noticed the rather unnatural pouches of several large rolled up walking sock variety, I couldn't help but keep being drawn to the male area.

As the curtain fell and the applause died away, CC told me I'd been watching a fine ballet. 'Ballet,' I said, 'is that what they call it nowadays!'


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