
By Kaysha

Odd Man Out

It was a fun-packed day, starting off with a trip to The Imagination Workshop with Expatmama and her two boys, A and M. Miss A and Mr A painted a kangaroo and a flamingo, decorating them with glittery sprinkles and jewels. Unfortunately Miss A did not get a great deal of assistance from me as I was too busy running after Little D, who was determined to touch and play with every object in the shop and shop window.

We went onto a superb little venue up the street for an early lunch and catch up. There was a wonderful play area where the kids could roam free and have lots of fun. A big hit with the kids (and mums) and we'll definitely be going back.

We said our goodbye's and Miss A and Little D squished in an hour's kip before we headed off to nursery for the main event - Miss A's sports day! Unfortunately Miss A was not in the frame of mind to be doing any sort of sports by the time we arrived. This was a shot of her sitting in the 'Crocodile' group, waiting on the games to start. Little D decided he too wanted to be a crocodile and managed to find his way onto the team bench, temporarily. Seconds after this shot was taken, Miss A burst into tears and decided she didn't want to participate in any of the races. One of the teachers had to run the races holding her hand, with Miss A looking thoroughly miserable. Needless to say she came last in every race. What can I say? There's always next year...

The parents got to participate in the Egg and Spoon race at the end which was hilarious and very competitive. I'm sure I won.

Miss A cheered up once the medals and ice lollies were handed out and she and Little D hung around for a bit to play with the other kids. Some post-games photos here. A celebratory meal followed at Pizza Express.

Andy Murray even made it into the Final at Wimbledon, just to top things off nicely. A lovely, lovely day!

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