A big thank you...

...for all the fantastic comments yesterday! I was amazed, especially as I hadn't gone to any special effort to find anything 500-y.

Tonight, the sunset wasa amazing. My desk buddy and I made impromptu tripods out of books and raced to adjust shutter speeds to capture the right colour of the sunset. I think she got the better picture because she captured the sunset a wee bit earlier, but I don't mind my one. It captures that wonderful red glow at the bottom of the horizon that lingered to set London on fire for a while. Wondrous!

F and I went to see the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain in Cecil Sharpe House tonight. Fabulous! Though we were very jealous of a group of people who'd brought the most fantastic picnic with them - I was starving, and had to look at several lumps of fine cheese, speciality breads and an eye-poppingly massive cake.

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