Dick's Pics

By RichardDonkin

Red Deer

One of the magnificent and rather well fed red deer at Bushy Park this morning where I met SueL7 again already framing her shots. She seems to know what the swans are about to do before the swans themselves. I should have just followed her around since she was well positioned for two outstanding fly pasts. It's a salutary lesson when photographing wildlife. It helps to know how they behave. I wouldn't get too close to the chap above but they do seem remarkably tolerant. Pippa was quite frisky and a bit bolder than she usually is this morning, testing the patience of the deer. They didn't even flinch. I did, though, and whistled her back.

At last we can move back in to our living room but we've decluttered it quite a bit and we're enjoying the space. Had the outline for the web site/ brochure that's using a few of my pictures. I'll link when it goes live.

If you have the time and want a chuckle, take a look at Pippa with her stick in the extras. She brought this one half way across the park!

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