Another busy day doing nothing

"Mary's Shack" is just up the hill past the wedding gazebo and with far-reaching views, so we had a wander up there this morning to take some pictures and see if there was anywhere we could walk to.

We have already met Mary, and been given individual hugs amid introductions. We've also had one of her legendary lunches and taken cold beers from the ice box for refreshment.

Anyway there's nowhere to walk so we decided to break into the Verandah Beach Resort which is across the road from our piece of heaven and take refreshment on one of their beaches. I say break in, but it's only in the loosest possible way, you just have to get past security. We had already walked through the resort the day before on our way back from Devil's Bridge so knew one way in, but that's too easy and too far. Fortunately security was a bit lax and we were straight in. We'd had more difficulty getting out of our own resort, having had to give our own security our room numbers before we could escape.

Where's this leading I hear you ask? Well all the resorts are "all inclusive", so it's quite fun going to another resort to drink their free drinks. It's a simple life.

I took this picture on our bit of beach.

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