Daily Wild

By emyjane

Grace Yawning

Those of you who have been following my blip for a long time now will remember a pair of blackbirds that I had in my garden called 'Bonnie & Clive' (I know it's meant to be Clyde but that was just too obvious!) - Sadly both (I think) have gone, although Clive might still be skulking somewhere!  Now Bonnie certainly did disappear - she was a handsome bird, but completely and entirely insane and had no fear - in fact, we nicknamed her 'Bonkers Bonnie' - now I've been friends with whole families of birds in my garden and know the distinctive characters well and I am 100% sure that this particular blackbird - 'Grace' - is a daughter of Bonnie - she has the same character, the same mad stance and the same 'no fear' attitude!  She's always at my feet, always wanting to be fed and always perched watching me as I chat to Louie - which I was doing and got some pictures of him - but Grace won the day with her yawn!  Sorry Grace, was I boring you? ;) xxx

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