'n Kiekie 'n Dag

By Sanri

High summer in England

Went to the coffee morning, talked rugby with Victoria & how small the players are if you're sitting 6 storeys up on the stand. Then went to get a bag of chicken food from the old place to mix with the new brand the Ladies pulled their noses up at. Now they don't want to eat either brand!

Went for a short walk at Dunwich Heath. Was a lovely day. Bit windy, but none of the rain and thunder forecasted. We're much luckier than some other parts of the country. Stopped at Snape Maltings to get a wedding present. Got one. Now we can go drink some wine!

Harvested a hand full of gourgettes & dug out potatoes when we got back to go in the pot with C's flatti. First shovel gave us enough spuds for a few meals & a load of worms for the Ladies.
Now enjoying a glass of Chenin Blanc from the Cape. Will go well with the chicken.

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