walks with my dog

By mingamo

Is there an explanation that makes any sense?

This is not a trick shot. It is not staged for some clever comment re Le Tour I have learned my lesson with the squished brains debacle. This is real. this is indeed my husband's cycling shorts draped over his bedside light. WHY? This again is not a trick question. I really DO NOT KNOW why this has happened. If anyone has a half decent reason I would be happy to listen. At least after 21 years of marriage I can still be surprised!! Meanwhile in Le Tour it was an exciting day with the first mountain stage. Instead of a long drawn up uphill struggle this was a short (6km) ending up a mountain of average 11% gradient. STEEP. But the killer was in the last 250m when the gradient was 20% yes 20%! Sky Procycling went to the front and wound up the speed. Remember they have slready been in the saddle for five hours The peloton was split asunder and many favourites lost much time. At the end only sky's Wiggins and Frome and BMC's Evans were left to contest the line Evans made a bid to jump ahead and it looked as though wiggins would lose his wheel. Frome who had been pace making for his team leader found the energy to kick again and passed them both. Sky therefore got the stage win and Wiggins into the yellow leader's jersey. A very successful day.

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