MonoTopless - Well Spotted .

Berlin has several traditions and one is FKK .Look it up .The news from Blip makes want me want to take off all my clothes and jump around in the snow .It is allowed here .However maybe a bit chilly tonight .Did jump in the fountains wearing very little when Germany won the World Cup They are switched off May have a drink ... Cheers everyone !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Berlin has a tradition of Graffiti .Most is now senseless "dog spray type initials " and covers huge areas .Some is good wall art and once in a while you see a tiny bit of humour in the work .As here for example.
Yesterday I saw this gate at the Park .Some one with a sense of 'humour'  had used the shapes .Wonder who the named lady is in real life .Certainly never topless in minus -4°c..I returned today to blip this for Mono Monday . The sun was amazing if somewhat  lacking in warmth.. Colour is much more my thing but more sun is forecast for tomorrow hence this. Later, whilst sitting having a coffee I was rewarded with an extra Mono. A beautiful Dalmatian dog ( traditional breed ).... Well spotted .of course .

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