Muffin man

ZQ was the muffin man today. He made 6 banana muffins and claims that he ate one himself (which I doubt it very much!) and gave one to a friend. Noo ate one, and he will probably eat the three that are left....

I had a rare day off to myself today. I lounged in bed til 10.30am before getting up and doing a few domestic duties. I rescued many toys from underneath the sofa and tv unit before vacuuming and steam cleaning the living room carpet. I found lots of Lego men heads!!! a one legged wrestler, several cars, the sheath from a sword, two DVDs, 20p (finders keepers!!!) and some undesirable / unmentionables

I made up for my lazy morning by nipping out for a run before collecting the boys. Foot is still progressing slowly....

The latest blip news has lifted my spirits somewhat!

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