An Avid Lensman

By SarumStroller

Dancing in the Moonlight...

Once again, thank you ALL so much for the appreciation and continued warmth in your lovely comments on yesterday's fisheye moonburst weeping willow time exposure. 

I have read every single word you have kindly written and appreciate them all, thankyou again!

I need to take Blip and Blipping now at my own pace and so that it never becomes tedious or a chore - trying to reply to each and every one could verge on that, purely in the time it would take!

So, I have made  a few reply comments on individual Blippers entries but not on mine. That would make it appear as being less favoured to anyone in particular!

Now, today's entry. 

After the weeping willow, I turned the camera round, now after midnight,  to look in the other direction. The fisheye covers a huge expanse of coverage, so it ultimately is about filling the frame, with interest. The quite slow maximum aperture of the lens makes viewing and composing quite difficult - one tries shots with the moon and without the moon - I haven't been around these parts in such conditions for about 3 years, so I won't be doing so again, probably for quite a while. 

Whilst the 30 second exposure ticks away, you've already lined up the next shot and so you move on.

When it came to editing, the bulging tree trunks, with their ungainly figures, reminded me of weird dancers, all moving in - and the moonburst is the searchlight of the disco lights...

Yes, it's good to have an imagination and it's good to make up little stories - as long as this doesn't extend beyond the actual photograph! - and means that it doesn't have a title such as 'Trees' or Untitled etc.

Yes, I did miss gloriously bright conditions and frost (I was feeling unwell most of the day and couldn't go out) but I did get some on previous days, though they aren't up here on Blip. 

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