Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos

First Light

Now take a long slow deep breath in. It's cool, but you are warmly clothed. There is no wind, just a gentle sea breeze. Exhale slowly. Soon after, one, then two then three surfers carry their boards across the beach and dive in the silky waves. It is low tide and the seas are not too big. Now inhale slowly again. You can smell the salt air and a touch of seaweed. There are some bits and pieces washing up on the beach. Look out to sea and there is a pod of dolphins. They must be hunting and they hang around for a while, blowing air in puffs like small whales. Exhale slowly. A gull walks across the wet sands then more gather. Listen to the waves gentle sounds. Look up into that deep blue sky and there are two bright planets, Venus and probably Jupiter. Inhale slowly and smile.

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