
Once again late and no blip so shot over the road to my neighbours as it was to breezy to get a flower in mine. I know this will be in the Gazania family. It is a very different colour not one I have had.
Scorcher of a day here and so hot, 30 degrees here by mid morning and very humid. Of alldays I decided to make pies this afternoon for a friend coming home from hospital and a great niece home with her new baby my great great niece. I should have made them ham and salad and then I would not have sweltered in the kitchen. However on the other hand they were both delighted with not having to think about their evening meal . What a darling little baby and I had not even taken my camera but I will go back.
Providing it is fine tomorrow am off inland to do some photography so sure will be late putting up my blip tomorrow night.
Have a great weekend everyone

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