


Berlin, Germany, Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe
There's a horrible story behind that monument and it's there that german people remember that story for a long time. Even though i like the architecture of that place a lot and it's reason why i was there taking photos(with thousand other tourists...).

As I try to put this blip online i do it from my own living room. So mine trip is only in my memory now. What i remember is that even it was a short trip, I met a bunch of new great people and we were having really fun time in there. Even that those new people have been somehow in my life as a colleagues but big part of those people i haven't seen before because they work in different cities all over Scandinavia. So it was really nice to see all those people and talk with them in "real life".

Maybe this image is kind of monument for me and it helps me remember that trip for a long time?

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