
Thank you so much for all your lovely comments, hearts and stars for my squirrel yesterday. It's made it to the front page of popular! Cheers!!

Me and TheAphid popped up to the chickens this morning as I knew the track wouldn't have good enough light. As we walked through the church carpark we spotted a marsh harrier flying over the chicken allotment. It got quite low at one point and then flew off over the nearby fields. I stalked it later and realised there had been two a male and a female.
There were lots of chickens to photograph and too many to choose from for my blip today so I've put loads on to Flickr if you fancy a look.
I like this one as I love the colours of these two. The one in front was crowing in a quiet, high pitched manner. I wonder if it's a young one who hasn't quite found his voice or if it's the breed?

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