
I walked a short stretch of the canal early this morning.
It was 100% damp without it actually raining.

I only walked the distance between two bridges. Not even two locks. But the walk was longer than I anticipated, if you could call it a walk?
I took over 160 shots and, being on the canal, almost every single one contained water in some shape or form. It's out there in abundance at the moment, so it would be difficult for it not to figure somewhere.

Meanwhile, as Mondays go it's not been an overly exciting one.

Are Mondays usually exciting, you might ask?
Well, no, not really.
Not so as you'd notice.
You can't expect a lot from a Monday really, can you?

So, my walk along the canal... was pleasant and engrossing.
Because when it's a dull, dull, grey day and the light is dull, dull and grey, it's time to look at things more closely, as dull, dull, heavy grey skies over a damp canal don't necessarily always make for very exciting pictures.

This is Rosebay Willow.
Depending on how you view this, it is either a weed or a handsome flower.

It does have nutritional value as well. The leaves contain significant quantities of phosporus, riboflavin, plus Vitamins A and C and can be used in herbal beverages as can the flowers.

Not just a pretty flower!

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