Today's Special

By Connections

Oom /Moo

Before we left Allison and Erick's 4th of July potluck, we asked if we could come out and do a photo shoot of cows and calves sometime, and they said "Any time!" This evening we had a very relaxing time with them and their dog Figgy in a field full of Hereford cows and Hereford/Angus calves.

This is where our beef comes from -- Legacy Herefords, right here in Whatcom County. We feel blessed to be able to buy meat that comes from local cattle raised with care and slaughtered with as little stress as possible.

I'm grateful for Allison and Erick's patience with all my questions and their deep devotion to their land and their animals. It truly was relaxing to be in a field of cows and calves on a summer evening, watching them interact with each other and with us.

Out of my way!!

Two's company...

A little more to the right, please!

Some people will do anything for a blip!

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