A photo pauses the moment

By Lozzy


100 Blips!!!!!

Firstly, THANK YOU so much for all your hearts, stars and comments yesterday! My 99th Blip made it to Spotlight - thank you so much!!

Joining Blip has been fantastic! I have 'met' some lovely folk and love looking into the daily lives of other people. Thank you to those who have visited my journal and commented and encouraged over the past 100 Blips.

I have decided to do an OU course in Photography in October as I find it so relaxing to spend a little bit of 'me' time each day. Everyone should find a little something that's just for them, whatever that may be.

A quick Blip before the rain comes again. Just Alfie today as Sophie has the sickness bug. "Just hold this card Alfie........., no down a bit, up a bit, down a bit........." oh, sod it! Ha!

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