Poorly babe

While everyone in the south of England was kept awake last night by Imogen, we in this house (and probably the neighbouring houses) were kept awake by this little man . Noo - a storm before his time! Always prone to night terrors, he had a whole night of them last night. Although he seemed OK during the day, he spiked a temperature just before bed. This always seems to bring them on, although I've never known them this bad, and he's never had more than one in a night. He is truly terrified, and it is incredibly upsetting to see....

Anyway - I spent a night with him on the couch, because the horrors were in the bedroom........until 5am (just as I fell asleep) when they moved to the living room! He went to bed and I dragged myself off to work. Imogen did her very best to blow me off my feet and out of town, but I stood my ground! I came home and fell into bed with Noo, who is still a hot and poorly boy tormented by horrors we can't see. What a day!

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