Beach Huts

Quintessentially English!

I've been out all day and all evening, too, so I have no time to deliberate at length as to which of today's 400 photos I am to blip, so I've gone for one which really represents the day for me! I went walking with friends in this most popular area - I wonder how many of you recognise it? A clue may be that these beach huts (with no running water, toilets or mains electricity)  sell for upwards of £200,000 -  the price of a house!!!

At the end of the afternoon, I took my 18-300 mm lens in for repair (the grip slides all over the place) whilst it is still under guarantee - however am I going to manage without it??? Then home for a quick bite to eat before heading off to church (yes, I do seem to have been there rather a lot this week!)

Now I'm feeling pretty shattered and thinking that the sunrise may well be worth getting up for, so it's a quick blip and bed......maybe........ :))

Oh - and in case you're feeling 'flooded tree' deprived, I've included one as an extra! :))

Thank you so much for all your great comments, stars and hearts for yesterday's blip - every single one of them very much appreciated! 

Ann :))

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