An Avid Lensman

By SarumStroller

A Great Place to Watch the Moon From....

...And the sunset, the before sunset, the post sunset - and then dusk....

Somehow, this was the most magical. The new moon reflected in the water. You can hear the gentle gurgling from the swollen river, as I stood in the silty slippery post flood mud, squelching in my new Merrell boots...

The industrial estate immediately behind me drilled and banged and vehicles revved and clunched. Burglar alarms and cameras flashed and blinked and spied on me. Rusty red light pollution spilled out onto this tree and fence - so I de-saturated almost all, but the blue....

The blue crescent sliver of moon
hanging high above the river smooth
Gently swirling and occasionally glugging
Such a serene, gentle scene, so seldom seen. 

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