At 7am S was already at work trying to do as much as is humanly possible before he goes away on Friday - that's what happens when you're self-employed - and after nipping to the shop to get him some milk I was on my way home by 7.30am.

A quick change, breakfast and sandwich-making later I was off out again on my way to Chatsworth in the Peak District.  The weather was the best sort, sunny and cold, and the walk was really enjoyable.  Imagine the area enclosed by Baslow, Bakewell, Beeley and the Robin Hood pub on the A619 and you have our stomping ground. 

Extras are a herd of deer on the Chatsworth Estate, Birchen Edge where weather permitting I hope to be climbing next Sunday, and the gathering snow clouds.

12.7 miles
4hrs 24minutes
1450ft ascent

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