Winnie, Today's Girl Child

16th February 2016;

Early this morning I got an Excel sheet from Florence, listing 80 of our 81 learners as they are called. One was missing, Winnie Mhlangas.
She got her Government School Placement a long way from her home in Embangueni. She did her first term there in Form 1, but failed to return in the New Year.
I asked Florence to tell me the story and asked what could we do.
Florence: She was the one who had an emergency trip from her school [Embangweni] because of the sickness of her mother who is still not well, and when I was asking her about report she said her guardian can not afford transport to collect it, so far away.  So I rang up the school now to get them
She continues: Boss  she is in form 1, 16 years old, living in Hannock Mhlanga village, Doroba area.  Her primary school was Kapemberwa.  She was selected to Government School too far away
She has both parents,2 brothers ,2 sisters. She is living with gogo (granny). So for her father to afford fees for her it's difficult,  since her mother has been sick for long time.

GRADES:  Agriculture C,  English C,  Chichewa C,  Mathematics C, Biology D,  Social Studies B,  Geography B, Chemistry D, Physical Science F.
Of Course I asked why she had to be the one doing the minding and what about the rest of the family and could we not employ someone for this amazing girl:
Florence replied: 
Boss: Her brothers: Julias 14 years, Ndipo 8 years, Sisters: Rose 10 years, Sbongly 4 years are all too young
She is staying at home because of her mothers sickness but she goes to school every day at Nkhorongo C.D.S.S. The little they have the father just manages to nurse his wife. That's why her father failed to manage the cost of transport but up to now had paid fees to he send his daughter to the school which is close to her .She has no uniform some clothes, but not enough so to support her in any way its a good idea.
Thanks, now am going home can you allow me?
Now our fairy godmothers in St Anthony's Parish Clontarf, Our Lady’s Girls School in Terenure and so many other amazing donors will get on board and see that Winnie, her Mother and Father (doing so much to send his girl to school) will be supported, all the way.
We know it's not going to change the World, but it will certainly change Winnie's world.
So you think your life is hard?  Think again.

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