Test Ride

After a restless night despite the hotel being quite comfy, we had a huge continental breakfast to set us up for the day. We headed over to JD Tandems where we took this beaut out for a test ride. This tandem is the right size for us but not the right spec. We did about 12 miles on lumpy roads, testing out gears and brakes. It was a glorious day and we stopped for some timer shots.  Another couple went past and stopped, they had just picked up their tandem so were out testing the fit etc. we had a good chat with them,  then headed back to the shop. We had another test ride on a tandem that was more to our spec, but a smaller frame. We didn't go as far but enjoyed testing it. Back to the shop and our order complete. we now just have to wait for the parts to be delivered and the bike to be put together. We will go back up and collect it to ensure the fit etc is just right.

By the time we had finished in the shop it was getting on, so we had a quick lunch in the local tea rooms of a chip, cheese and chutney roll (it was nice - honest) in the quaintest of tea rooms and then drove home.

Now stuffed with take away, and enjoying looking back at 2 fab days

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