My 2015

By Clairy


We had a leisurely morning after the boy had a full cooked breakfast and ate the lot! Aunty Anne popped to see us so we had coffee and played snakes and ladders before heading off to Kendal to see my brother, sister in law and nieces one of which is brand new!

We had a lovely afternoon with them, The boy and his cousin pictured here played all afternoon, lots of cuddles and this one just sums up how much they enjoyed playing. I took lots of fabulous pictures of them all and the baby but not for sharing with family and printing but this one I thought was a good summary of them all I could share with you all. I really enjoyed my cuddles just wished we lived nearer to see them more, the boy doesn't travel well and Lincolnshire having no motorways makes for long journeys! A trip to the lakes in the summer is in order I think.

Aunty Helen cooked Jacks favourite things for team Pepperoni Pizza, Pasta, salad with lots of red pepper, garlic bread yummy, he ate the lot along with the obligatory ketchup dip..what is it about ketchup and kids!

Travelled back to Blackpool after dinner and my dad had arrived so had a nice catch up before heading to bed.

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