How often do we say, “I’ve had enough, that’s it, no more”?  I shall be saying that in 4 days’ time!

I spent most of yesterday afternoon colouring a quirky bird for Anna, the Director of the Wroughton Passion Play as she was talking at our rehearsal on Tuesday evening about how she liked quirky birds.  It was only when I looked online that I discovered she runs a theatre company called Quirky Bird Theatre - if you want to know more, have a look here.

I have put the finished colouring in as an extra and you will see from the beautiful colours that having spent 25 days doing the Mono Month Challenge - this was not only a labour of love for Anna, but also something bright and exuberant to lift my spirits.  

I had to sharpen my colouring pencils many times, because some of the detail was quite intricate, and when I looked at the shavings from the pencils, thought they would make a good blip for Abstract Thursday.

I am so grateful that my life is filled with colour in varying shades, tints, tones and hues and I’m also thankful that I have eyes to see this beauty all around me - so next time I am tempted to be miserable when it’s raining, would someone please remind me that if I look closely enough, I will still see beautiful colours!

“COLOUR is like food for the spirit - 
     plus it’s not addictive
          or fattening!”
Isaac Mizrahi - Fashion Designer

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