Woodman, woodman, spare that tree

Just in case we run out of fuel again, we chopped a tree down today.
Actually I'm lying. This was a H U G E  Leylandii tree that has been in the corner of our garden ever since we moved in, 9 years ago. When I say H U G E it was probably 50 to 60 feet tall.  C has been threatening to cut it down for all of those 9 years. It was ugly, it threw shade across the garden and the back of the house, and it restricted our view somewhat.
I think that he must have been bored yesterday waiting for the heating oil to arrive  - or he was that cold that he decided a bit of exercise would warm him up. Anyway, he didn't even tell me that he had done it. I drew the curtains this morning to a superb view of the meadow behind our house, then the river, and the wood beyond the river. The dreaded Leylandii has gone. 
Three times I went to switch off the bedroom light only to find that it wasn't on - it was the sunshine pouring in!
The only thing that the tree was useful for was a temporary perch for birds visiting our garden, so we're going to replace it soon with something smaller and prettier. 
We've also now got another two sections of our wood store filled with ex-Leylandii.

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