My beloved Oslo - Sunrise and moonlight

It's not so often to see the moon in the middle of the sunrise (that actually rise up in the opposite side).  I think it was a pretty sight :-)

Some information about the sculpture:
It's a sculpture by the Italian artist Monica Bonvicini based in Berlin. It costed 80 million Norwegian Crones (!) That's about 6.9 million GBP.  It was a big process to ground it. It's called The Ice Mountain or She lies . During winter it looks like a ice berg, and during summer it is beautiful with all the reflections in the glass.  Her inspirastion was this painting by Caspar David Friedrich. And of course the sculpture match the Opera House that is also built as a floating ice berg :-)

Extra shot: For some sunrises ago it was not a cloud on the sky,  just a huge water vapor from a factory that turned pink!.  It was fascinating, but I was on the train and no chance to take a shot.  But today I notice the little pink tale after a plane.  Not the same as the huge vapor cloud, but at least I had a camera available :-)

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