BikerBear's Blips

By BikerBear

Young Raccoon ....

... up a tree!!

Wandering through Stanley Park in Vancouver (a beautiful spot by the way) - heard a rustling and there was a parent raccoon with 4 babies - obviously out came the camera (we don't have raccoons in the UK) and I took around 50 shots - although I chopped a bit of his tail off I liked this one the best - they are soooooo cute :-))

I was only using my 18-105 lens and they let me get really close - a wonderful experience - my first close up wild raccoons!

Leaving tomorrow - flying to Boston via Minneapolis - hope to catch up with some replies to your comments on the plane - have splashed out for wi-fi access!!!!!

Backblips done for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday - pop back and have a look if you have the time - thanks.

Also a big thank you for all the comments, stars and hearts while I have been away ... gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside to know that you have followed my trip. Sorry for the ""missing a few days" but internet access is a little sketchy and there's a lot more to do here than in Alaska.

~ Anni ~

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