Out on the town

I spotted this driving past a quirky garage sale. I didn't buy anything but I did possibly find a contact to rediscover my old valve radio. It's a long story.

It's 8.30pm and it's still 30 degrees. This time tomorrow night I won't have electricity, a flush loo or shower. I'll have a sleeping bag, my mates, a hut, hopefully decent other people in the hut, and an enormous population of sandflies. The sandflies should be outside rather than inside but they have a way of getting in.

There isn't much left on my list. Most is last minute stuff for the morning, including food in the freezer and fridge. My pack is heavy. It will get progressively lighter as the days pass. That's the theory but it never feels like that.

How am I doing, am I selling the concept of a week of deprivation as a fun holiday? It will be, trust me ;-)

I fall onto the rhythm of tramping very quickly. There is a simplicity and honesty you can't avoid. Life is stripped back to necessities. Everything you need you carry. I'm not one for a lot of extras, I have enough to carry.

At the end I'll appreciate my bed, shower and flush loo :-)

I still need to stretch from this morning's run on the hills. See you in a week or so.

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