Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

First Ice cream of the season

Today was the day. The day the sun managed to reach out across time and space and find us, four tiny wee souls in the whole grand scheme of things, warming our skin for the first time this year.

Cruden Bay is like a movie set on a dead calm true blue day. And so it was that a helicopter appeared to give us the action movie moment, skirting the coast and coming right over to us, with search and rescue waving to us, while we hoped they were only in the skies for training rather than for any lost souls. And then the movie drama was upon us when a dog collapsed and starting taking a seizure. The owners were so calm and assured and with practiced hands and fingers gently cleared airways and attended and sure enough wonderfully, a few (very, very long) minutes later, their special bundle of fun came back into the here and now and got back on its feet again, tail wagging.

And then there was the getting back to nature movie moment, shoes off, wading into the sea, kids rescuing Max's frisbee from the fate of poor mini frizz last week, which is probably half way to Norway by now.

And then the movie happy ending, where Dave's secret wish as he crossed the bridge back into the village was immediately answered in the form of an ice cream van miraculously appearing in front of us. 99s all round.

And as this is a Columbo movie, there's just one more thing, Cruden Bay cures hangovers.

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