A non event day

Friday 4th March 2016 (1287)

The talk went well last night and everyone seemed to enjoy it, I certainly did. They gave me some lovely tulips which have proved useful today and may well appear again. 

Today has been a day off ... and a day off from a day off too! I didn't set the alarm and thought I'd let my body decide how much sleep it wanted ... so that was most of the morning gone! I did a bit of tidying up and the ironing. I wanted to go out somewhere as a treat but I was on my own, it was wet and miserable outside, I didn't know where to go and I was lacking in energy. So I stayed in and slept most of the afternoon! 

I am still in the process of trying to catch up with your journals. I have started. 

A couple of days ago I posted a splodge, or rather a zoom blur photo of flowers. I was too tired to do anything with it but I saw something in the photo straight away. Tonight I summoned up enough energy to give it a small tweak of levels and a little cloning. The result is in the extras, what do you think?

Well, after such a busy day I think it's time for an early night! 

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