The Two Faces of Ben

(the other (happy) one is in the extras).  Good to actually use the SLR again been using the Hipsta App on the iphone so much lately, laziness really.

Mr T has Manflu so I am up and down the stairs like a yoyo with stuff...  I escaped early this morning though with Breagha and had breakfast in Nero but there were no almond croissant as there was a problem when they went to cook them they were in mush :-(  The alternative, pecan twist just doesn't cut it!

Farmer's market had a disappointment too as the Arran cheese lady was not there, she is Always there..... decided to get the tablet as consolation for the invalid though, and I sneakied did Ben, who was delivered to me this afternoon when I was cutting down next door's evil pyracanthus which is invading into our patch.. Nasty evil thorns like spears...

Ben and I popped up to GG with her shopping and a chat then home for some lentil soup and scotch egg.

Ben is having a sleepover and we have been having a laugh at An & Dec.
He also found Breagha's trimming scissors and cut his fringe - I've tidied it up but it's shorter than normal!
His bedtime now...

Half way through my regime and I have lost almost 7lb and feeling loads fitter doing the HIT exercises and cutting out cr*p food, although having the occasional treat but sugar addiction has def gone.  Half a stone to go, how easy it creeps on

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