Hani Al-Masri

I had the pleasure to meet Hani Al-Masri for the first time today.

He is a Palestinian political analyst and the director general of Palestinian Center of Policy Research and Strategic Studies (Masasat).  Masarat is an independent organization with a main goal to contribute in achieving Palestinian national rights through strategic researches and encourage the political parties to find new ground to overcome the so-called "split" from 2007.

There are no reasons to continue down the same road as the agreements already made to close the gap between Fatah and Hamas. The first agreement was reached in Mecca in February 2007, then in Yemen in August 2007, followed by the Cairo agreement in December 2011, the Doha agreement in February 2012 and the last the Beach Refugee agreement in April 2014.  Palestine should get a new Charter based on the best of all parties in Palestine, not just Fatah, Hamas and PLO to agree on Palestine best interests, not the parties best interests. 

Masarat conducts conferences, studies and workshops and wish to get more youth and women on leading positions as necessary steps in democratic processes. 

The knife stabbings that started October 2015 rooted in frustration over the occupation and the increasing settlers violence must stop and be replaced by a third non-violent intifada. 

I hope that Hani Al-Masri and his team on Masarat will succeed.

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